Getty and USC Acquire Paul Williams Archive

Portrait of Paul R. Williams, photo by Julius Shulman, 1952. (c) J. Paul Getty Trust. Getty Research Institute

The USC School of Architecture and the Getty Research Institute have jointly acquired the archive of prolific African-American architect Paul R. Williams. Some of Williams' business papers were destroyed in a fire during the 1992 L.A. uprising, leading to a misconception that his archive was lost. In fact most of the drawings were stored elsewhere and were preserved by Williams' granddaughter Karen Elyse Hudson. The press release quotes Hudson: "To others he is often referred to as 'the architect to the stars'; to his grandchildren, he was simply the best grandfather ever." Anyone who reads biographies of architects knows what a rare tribute that is.
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz House, Palm Springs, Paul R. Williams, architect, photo by Julius Shulman, 1955. (c) J. Paul Getty Trust. Getty Research Institute
