"Hollywoodland: Jewish Founders" Opens May 2024

Yousuf Karsh, Cecil B. DeMille, 1956. (c) Yousuf Karsh

The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures will open its permanent installation on Hollywood's Jewish founders on May 19, 2024, reports the Forward. That's a delay from the initially projected 2023 debut.

At the museum's 2021 opening, some felt the generally DEI-aware exhibitions left the early Jewish moguls on the cutting room floor. Among the more vocal critics were Haim and Cheryl Saban, who donated $50 million to the museum. 

The new exhibit, "Hollywoodland: Jewish Founders and the Making of a Movie Capital" is to be the museum's only permanent installation. Dara Jaffe is curating.


Anonymous said…
The museum from 2021 has been generally too hipster intellectualized. Sort of a variation of the format favored by contemporary art galleries. Or where planners-designers like the aesthetic of wide expanses of blank white walls with a few objects stuck to or around them.

Many people into "Hollywood" and "Oscar" tend to expect more of a theme-park or natural-history-museum approach: Lots of props, gizmos, memorabilia, not as many labels full of text.