Beta Main Opens & Is Looking for 50 DTLA Artists
The Main Museum of Los Angeles Art opened its doors Sunday with "Performance Lessons: Suzanne Lacy Teaches Andrea Bowers Performance," through Nov. 20. It began with a panel discussion featuring a performance lesson for audience members.
The space now open ("Beta Main") gives a preview of the interior architecture, to be reconfigured by Tom Wiscombe. Shown is the grand lobby of the former Farmers & Merchants Bank. This is to be (what else?) a restaurant.
Next on the Beta Main calendar is "Office Hours" (Nov. 28–Dec. 18). Main director Allison Agsten will meet with 50 Downtown L.A. artists "on a first come, first served basis," and each artist will hang one work for a mini-exhibition open to the public Dec. 8–18. Interested artists should probably fill out the online application ASAP.

Next on the Beta Main calendar is "Office Hours" (Nov. 28–Dec. 18). Main director Allison Agsten will meet with 50 Downtown L.A. artists "on a first come, first served basis," and each artist will hang one work for a mini-exhibition open to the public Dec. 8–18. Interested artists should probably fill out the online application ASAP.