Huntington Plans Don Bachardy Survey

Don Bachardy, Self-Portrait 08-08-18, 2018.  The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens. © Don Bachardy 2018

The Huntington is organizing an exhibition of Don Bachardy's portraits for mid 2025. "Don Bachardy: A Life in Portraits" will encompass over a hundred graphite and acrylic likenesses, many of literary, artistic, and film figures such as Truman Capote, James Baldwin, Bette Davis, David Hockney, and Christopher Isherwood (Bachardy's first sitter turned longtime partner). The show draws on Huntington holdings and private loans and includes related papers and memorabilia.

The Huntington's Dennis Carr and Karla Nielsen, along with guest curator Gregory Evans, are organizing. "Don Bachardy" will run Apr. 12 to Aug. 4, 2025.
