Anne Truitt, Engadine I, 1990. Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Gift of Robert and Daryl Offer in honor of Allan Hergott |
Robert and Daryl Offer have given MOCA two acrylic paintings by Anne Truitt, Brunt II (1974) and Engadine I (1990). They become the museum's first works by Truitt and the only examples of her paintings in a local collection (LACMA has a plank sculpture). Engadine I measures 48 by 108 inches.
Honor Titus, Victory is Divine, 2023. MOCA. Gift of Joel Lubin |
Also new to the collection are two tennis-themed works by Honor Titus, a painting (Victory is Divine) and a sculpture (imagined court 001). A post-punk musician and poet turned visual artist, Titus worked in Raymond Pettibon's New York studio before moving to Los Angeles in 2016.
Honor Titus, imagined court 001, 2023. MOCA. Purchased with funds provided by the Durham family |
Gina Beavers, Smoky Eye Every Step, 2020. MOCA. Gift of Andrew Stearn
Gina Beavers' acrylic-and-foam sculpture-painting
Smoky Eye Every Step is in "Ordinary People: Photorealism and the Work of Art Since 1968" (Grand Ave., through May 4, 2025).
Other recent acquisitions include work by Urs Fischer, Andreas Gursky, Kristen Morgin, Allan Sekula, Ana Segovia, and Mary Ann Unger.
Kristen Morgin, Cello #4, 2004. MOCA. Gift of Leonard and Susan Nimoy |