New Geffen Galleries Photos

All: (c) Paul Clemence/LACMA

 has photos by Paul Clemence documenting construction of Peter Zumthor's David Geffen Galleries for LACMA. Some of the details seem to be in close-to-final form. Construction is expected to be complete by the end of the year.

There's been speculation about the light under the Wilshire overpass. With temporary supports in place, it still has a gloomy tunnel vibe.


mughound said…
I can see why Zumthor went with the non-dyed concrete to blend in with surrounding context. I still would have preferred a dyed concrete because the close-ups have that splotchy look that you see on sixth street bridge. Anyway, I'm over the conversation about this. Can't wait for it to finally open.
mughound said…
I will add that the photos of the addition seem like it does bring consolidation and a better sense of order and organization to the campus.
Anonymous said…
At least they're filling in a few of the tie holes common in exposed concrete walls. But anything less than that will make the building look even a bit clunkier or top-heavy.

However, the damage has already been done (the budget, square footage, no spaces for on-site curators, conservation), so here's hoping to the project's success.

The Zumthor/Govan building probably will be popular from a selfie-Tik-Tok-Instagram standpoint, and having categories of art no longer squirreled away in hard-to-reach parts of the Pereira-Hugh-Hardy buildings, but instead now on the same level and easier to run across, is a good thing. But Govan's vanity and LACMA's lack of transparency haven't exactly helped the replacement galleries.
Can't wait for tonight's symphony, Mahler's "Resurrection," at Geffen Hall.
Let's hope the Geffen galleries are as WOW!POW!POW! as the vibe in New York, all due respect to the august Alice Tully.
Anonymous said…
The UV layer changes the transparency of glass from the outside.
Looks like LACMA went with a very low transmission level.
The more opaque glass also looks better.

As to the geometry of the building, there are at least two problems at work. On the front side, it's the classical one of squaring the circle.

--- J. Garcin

Re "speculation about the light under the Wilshire still has a gloomy tunnel vibe.": It looks bloody awful, another fresh hell in an otherwise natural-light-filled city.
The only solution is an illuminated artwork.
LACMA: Have you plans to commission a work there? If no, you need to work in another field.
mughound said…
There are glass windows on rooms/restaurants facing the tunnel so that should illuminate the tunnel, seeing from this image.

Also the make-shift construction walls are blocking the part of the tunnel where it widens to let light in. I can't imagine Zumthor would get the lighting wrong on this part.
Ah, noted. But proof will be in the pudding. Hope springs eternal.
Anonymous said…
The right-angle windows don't align with the curbed roof line, top heavy or otherwise. The building might look sleeker if the curve shape were from top to bottom. Then again, Zumthor by now probably doesn't give a damn.

He complained to the NY Times several months ago that his project in LA (to paraphrase) has been value engineered.

Michael, you're done good.
Anonymous said…
Small little details like having rounded windows or dyeing the concrete could've done wonders to improve this project. Zumthor already sounds like he wants to disown this project.
Anonymous said…
^^^The SaveLACMA mob can't move on. Don't you have a MAGA rally to attend?

The building was NOT value engineered. Given what the glass and mullions cost, it would be ridiculous to think so.

Also, sleek is NOT a quality/concept one associates with Zumthor buildings. Bunch of rubes commenting on things they don't understand.

Construction, however, is a concept which one associates with Zumthor. Which is why it was right for the fifth post to wonder if Zumthor was toying with lines/curves and other ratios.
Anonymous said…
^ Don't you have a "Gays for Hamas" rally to attend? LOL.
mughound said…
I’m realizing why the tunnel looks so off and freeway-like. The tunnel has these columns in the middle of the road medium. Those should be taken down according to the renderings. I hope so anyway. The Jersey barriers don’t help either in trying to imagine it.

Anonymous said…
what an out of scale, zero detail, f*ck context, confused and out of his league monstruosity of a project.