Hildur Ásgeirsdóttir Jónsson in Malibu

Hildur Ásgeirsdóttir Jónsson, Skyscape #1, Ring Nebula, Medium, 2022

LACMA has a survey of modernist and contemporary textile abstraction, from Anna Albers to Diedrick Brackens. There is a worthy sidebar exhibition in Malibu. Pepperdine University's Weisman Museum of Art is presenting "Hildur Ásgeirsdóttir Jónsson: Infinite Space, Sublime Horizons," billed as the artist's first West Coast showing.

Small detail of warp and weft in Jónsson's Fragment, 2018

Iceland-born and mostly Cleveland-active, Jónsson creates loom-based abstractions that she calls paintings. Beginning with iPhone photos, watercolors, or cosmic imagery from the Hubble Space Telescope, Jónsson paints dyes onto the warp of her loom. As that dries, she paints the weft and then weaves the two into a textile. The imagery is skewed by the process, lending a sense of animation. Grounded in nordic landscape and skyscape, Jónsson's textile paintings fit somewhere on the Friedrich-Munch-Rothko axis. 

Installation view
Hildur Ásgeirsdóttir Jónsson, B Drawing #3, 2021
Hildur Ásgeirsdóttir Jónsson, Double Rainbow #1, 2022
Hildur Ásgeirsdóttir Jónsson, Skyscape #2, Veil Nebula, Medium, 2022
"Hildur Ásgeirsdóttir Jónsson: Infinite Space, Sublime Horizons" runs through Dec. 10, 2023.
