The Getty website has
a page showing monthly site statistics. Curious factoid: Month after month, the #2 most frequently viewed object is this c. 1850 French daguerreotype of
Two Women Embracing, by an unknown photographer. It comes second only to Van Gogh's
Irises and reliably gets more hits than Ensor's
Christ's Entry into Brussels or any of the Getty's scores of famous objects. Now sure, it's a picture of two naked women romantically involved. Is there a shortage of that sort of thing on the Internet?
Probable explanation: It's the title. Type "two women embracing" into Google. The Getty daguerreotype is the number one listing. Bing or Yahoo!: same result. The Getty site must be scooping up a lot of people who were looking for something other than daguerreotypes.
My wife has started a new magazine to combat the media fascination with adolescent boylike bodies in women, see all womens and fashion magazines, created by those with no interest in women at all.
Our ally, backed by Ally Sheedy and Mariel Hemingway, a movie by an ex Elite runway model
and our new quarterly mag, a free small version online,
One of the biggest lies in fashion and womens media is taht the camera puts five pounds on you. So? does taht justify scarecrows of the art and fashion world, with women who should weigh 130-150 and be sizes 8-12 to be vital and healthy, be 90 pounds and a absurdly decadent size 2 or even 0? And sizes are getting smaller. It must end. Brains are shrinking, we need some fat, our brains are made of it. And why so many can barely operate at a high level anymore, stuck to their computers.
These are attractive bodies, and true virile men love them as they show freshness and vitality, they are ripe and fertile, becasue they exude health, and what we truly want. And to see on TV, tired for wrinkled necks and no asses, flat abs and weak shoulders. WE dont mind what they consider overweight, it is really healthy and very attractive. Fight the force that destroy womanhood. Balance of mind, body and soul in all things, from fashion, to theatre to art to our families.
Fight the power, and take it for yourselves. Be goddesses, be Athena, not some scrawny, bony Angelina Jolie, she is really so damn ugly. Probably passes out after every scene, which are stiched totogether. Producers run the world now, and they have their own agendas, beginnign with taking your money. Whats wrong with people? Brainwashing. yech, nuthin but bones.
Fight the power, even the beautiful J Lo is getting skinny, noooooo!
art collegia delenda est