Palm Trees Are Still "Wrong"

John Humble, 1317 Cabrillo Avenue, Venice, 1998. (c) John Humble. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Gift of Bruce Berman and Lea Russo
Palm trees are why So. Cal. can't have nice photographs. That was the goof of John Baldessari's Wrong (1966-68), and it's a subtext of Bruce Berman's newly announced gift of 186 photos to the Getty Museum. Whereas palm trees = paradise in certain Hollywood contexts, the Berman gift includes works by John Humble and William Larson presenting them as disrupters of any sort of decent composition.

William Larson, Untitled, 1980. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Gift of Bruce Berman and Lea Russo
William Larson, Untitled, 1980. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Gift of Bruce Berman and Lea Russo
